Friday, July 30, 2010

GOOD and POOR Mannered People in One Society

      Activity 5 

      Having poor manners does not choose a particular gender, age or even profession, when you really are of no manners, then you really are, your status in life has nothing to do with your manners.The question is how can we build an ideal society, if we ourselves are poor mannered individual? I guess we must put an action to it.Here are some true observations of the author of the text entitled, "No One Stop's to Say "Thank You" Anymore".

     On a very typical situation in a busy street, when someone let somebody into his/her lane of traffic, men usually wave their hand to acknowledge to show their response of the courtesy, but women ,accordingly hardly ever do this stuff, though we are thought of as the "polite sex".But most of us women, hold doors open for someone who is behind us especially when they are older than us and as a proof teenage boys, do commit this manner very least, I assume that it should begin on how their parents are  instructing them, but it is not being given with importance by parents nowadays.There are also things called as evidences of inadequate parenting one is, being not thought to handle minor situations which particularly involves the showcase of good manners, second, have'nt schooled with social graces, meaning children were minimally being taught of good manners which are very essential on everyday dealings with other people, and the third one is an incident wherein an adult who prompted a kid to actually say thank you to a clown who gave her a balloon.Could you imagine that accepting rude language from someone shows your manners also, let us site the example on the text, when somebody called her a "chick". she actually did not do anything to that, for if she will fight back, she will be called as oversensitive than that man as "rude".

      We all wish for a society that treats everyone and everything as equal, and it starts with being a good mannered citizens, because what you do to others will be paid back to you, the same or even more than you did for them and that is exemplified by the golden rule ," DO NOT UNTO OTHERS, WHAT YOU DO NOT WANT OTHERS DO UNTO YOU". Let us all be good and be guided and become good mannered people. 

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