Friday, July 23, 2010

"The Difference Between the Impossible and the Possible lies in a Person's Determination" by: Tommy Lacorda

Activity 4

                        When can you say that a person is determined enough in his goals or even on the simple tasks that he is engaged with? The difference between the impossible and the possible, provides us an idea on the realization of impossible things on earth. I guess we are all bound in this world to do beyond the things, we thought of being not able to do or to become. It all  depends on  how you percieve thingsand concepts of life, if you see things as impossible, then you can actually leave it as is, but you have eventually missed the chance to experience that particular thing, in other words you have failed on making things possible.

                        Even the most physically impaired individual could still lavish all that they wanted to do,simply because they were driven by their determination to achieve such, in their lives. They hardly consider their disabilities, they were not intimidated by possible hindrances, and they always stood up and facing the whole wild world around them , head on.It is a bit sad on my part seeing this complete and healthy individuals, doing nothing about their lives, seems to be just sitting for the whole entire day, just witnessing when would the sun rises and sets. Thay are the kind of people who sees life as unchangeable,who never tried to risk on something impossible to make it possible, simply because they doesnt have that thing called DETERMINATION. I just want to impart these for us to seek within ourselves that certain determination to build a difference between impossible and possible. It greatly depends upon us all.    


  1. truly, i strongly agree to what you have stated gel.
    maybe some people out there only depends on others. they should look around, and think of the people having disabilities but still, they are strong and determined enough to live and reach their own stars.

  2. It's right more people does not really know what determination means. They view life as an unchangeable they always depend on the so called "destiny". Actually I do believe in destiny but it can change as they said "Do your best and God will do the rest". We own our destiny we just need God's guiding hands to lead us the right path. Take care and God Bless.

  3. are all right classmates!!! let us not be carried by life's negativities!!!!let us do some difference!!!
