Sunday, August 22, 2010

Two Brothers and the Carpenter


 The story was all about the two brothers who lived together in an adjoining farms and was farming side by side for 40 years already.Lately, they had only a small misunderstanding and turned into a really major difference between them until one day, a carpenter showed up on their farm and brought to them the reconciliation, they needed actually. 

                 Situations like that of the story, tells us about how simple conflicts can drift relationships apart, and so it does nothing good for us, that is why, I insist that we should get rid of it, specially when you've been taking good care of that relationship of yours for so long. I admit that I create or I became the source of the misunderstanding, but the good thing that I am proud to admit also, was that, I cant stand having a gap on that particular person, and in that sense, I am always the one who makes the first move so we will be reconciled, this explains that. I don't leave conflicts for long, I do try the best of what I can, in order  to put things on perspective, because I believe that it is so peaceful to live a life without that feeling of grudges to someone.

               When the carpenter built the bridge, instead of a fence, shows that, when you turn your back from your problems or conflicts, you are in, does'nt resolve anything, thus it only adds on the severity of the situation , but if you face it head on, just like building a bridge to connect you and that person agin, then you will surely achieve the point of forgiveness that you two, needed to give to one another, remember what I have mentioned earlier, " Its peaceful to live without the feeling of grudges to for someone".


  1. I hope you will remember the lessons of the story when you have to resolve your own conflicts in the future.

  2. ..thank you for posting a comment ma'am!!!
    the lessons of the story was truly applicable when conflicts are laid in front of us!!!

  3. gelai..:)
    That's very true.... We should not leave conflicts for so long before it's too late. Conflicts are the things that we should be thankful for because in that way,we learn to be humble and be the better persons we want to be.

  4. I agree with that conflicts should not last long it should be resolved as soon as possible. hi gellai can you follow my site and comment too in my posts thanks. take care and God Bless.
