Friday, July 30, 2010

GOOD and POOR Mannered People in One Society

      Activity 5 

      Having poor manners does not choose a particular gender, age or even profession, when you really are of no manners, then you really are, your status in life has nothing to do with your manners.The question is how can we build an ideal society, if we ourselves are poor mannered individual? I guess we must put an action to it.Here are some true observations of the author of the text entitled, "No One Stop's to Say "Thank You" Anymore".

     On a very typical situation in a busy street, when someone let somebody into his/her lane of traffic, men usually wave their hand to acknowledge to show their response of the courtesy, but women ,accordingly hardly ever do this stuff, though we are thought of as the "polite sex".But most of us women, hold doors open for someone who is behind us especially when they are older than us and as a proof teenage boys, do commit this manner very least, I assume that it should begin on how their parents are  instructing them, but it is not being given with importance by parents nowadays.There are also things called as evidences of inadequate parenting one is, being not thought to handle minor situations which particularly involves the showcase of good manners, second, have'nt schooled with social graces, meaning children were minimally being taught of good manners which are very essential on everyday dealings with other people, and the third one is an incident wherein an adult who prompted a kid to actually say thank you to a clown who gave her a balloon.Could you imagine that accepting rude language from someone shows your manners also, let us site the example on the text, when somebody called her a "chick". she actually did not do anything to that, for if she will fight back, she will be called as oversensitive than that man as "rude".

      We all wish for a society that treats everyone and everything as equal, and it starts with being a good mannered citizens, because what you do to others will be paid back to you, the same or even more than you did for them and that is exemplified by the golden rule ," DO NOT UNTO OTHERS, WHAT YOU DO NOT WANT OTHERS DO UNTO YOU". Let us all be good and be guided and become good mannered people. 

Friday, July 23, 2010

"The Difference Between the Impossible and the Possible lies in a Person's Determination" by: Tommy Lacorda

Activity 4

                        When can you say that a person is determined enough in his goals or even on the simple tasks that he is engaged with? The difference between the impossible and the possible, provides us an idea on the realization of impossible things on earth. I guess we are all bound in this world to do beyond the things, we thought of being not able to do or to become. It all  depends on  how you percieve thingsand concepts of life, if you see things as impossible, then you can actually leave it as is, but you have eventually missed the chance to experience that particular thing, in other words you have failed on making things possible.

                        Even the most physically impaired individual could still lavish all that they wanted to do,simply because they were driven by their determination to achieve such, in their lives. They hardly consider their disabilities, they were not intimidated by possible hindrances, and they always stood up and facing the whole wild world around them , head on.It is a bit sad on my part seeing this complete and healthy individuals, doing nothing about their lives, seems to be just sitting for the whole entire day, just witnessing when would the sun rises and sets. Thay are the kind of people who sees life as unchangeable,who never tried to risk on something impossible to make it possible, simply because they doesnt have that thing called DETERMINATION. I just want to impart these for us to seek within ourselves that certain determination to build a difference between impossible and possible. It greatly depends upon us all.    

Friday, July 16, 2010


Activity 3

                   Why things in life get so complicated no matter how we try to manage it righteously and perfectly.What drives us humans ,to do such peculiar things when there are in fact proper ways to deal something with? Why do we complicate things sometimes, and how do we endure to live with lies, when we can probably face and accept the realities.Why do we expect much on what life could give us, when we can do certain good things for life.Never expect life to be as simple as it could be, instead be ready for a lot more complexities which you can pretty manifest yourself if you only knew how to. 

Believe in your capacity on handling situations like being cornered with crossroads or in a point where you have to choose from something or someone,never take a single thing for granted you'll never know you have loosen a lot already.Listen to concern persons around, specially your family,friends,even teachers and mentors, for they provides us with advices essential for our maturity and improvement.Pray and tighten your faith towards our Heavenly Father,because in times of complexities. He will be the one who will lift us from being stumbled and he is the only one who can forgive our sins and shortcomings.

In simplifying life's complexities, we only need to stick to what is the most ideal thing to do when you are in a particular situation, but we are not perfect creations as we know, so we must have that vision of preventing complication of our lives before it could happen and that is why I am providing you with the ideas you could surely apply in battling with complexities, same as what we have in Mathematics, in every complex problem, there is always a formula for us to achieve its simplified form, so as in life , "THE WORLD MAY BRING COMPLICATIONS, BUT MEN ARE ARMORED TO LAID THE SIMPLIFICATIONS". 

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Artificial Intelligence Trailer PLEASE WATCH

Artificial Intelligence "HIS LOVE IS REAL, BUT HE IS NOT"

Activity 2

Synopsis:  The film takes place in a world where  the greenhouse gasses have caused the polar icecaps to melt, flooding coastal cities. In the future, to combat over-population, people wishing to have children must apply for a license. The film starts in the offices of a company called Cybertronics, where it's owner, Professor Allen Hobby(William Hurt), wishes to push mecha(aka robotic)technology, to make a creation that can love. When his colleagues mention their "love units", Hobby corrects them: he is not talking physical love, but emotional love...such as the love of a child for it's mother. The narrative then shift's to the Swintons, whose son Martin(Jake Thomas)is currently in cryostasis until a cure can be found for a disease that he has. His mother Monica(Frances O'Connor)has not held up well under the conditions that have taken her son from her.Hoping to help her cope, her husband Henry(Sam Robards)takes part in a test  from Cybertronics, wherein they would be able to be a family to the company's newest mecha: David (Haley Joel Osment), the culmination of Hobby's research to make a robot that can "love".Things appear to be going well for Swintons, until one day, a cure brings Martin back to health. Martin then tries to get David into trouble in a number of ways.Henry decides that David is no longer safe, and convinces Monica to return David to Cybertronics to be destroyed.Later that evening, David concludes that his abandonment was because he is not real like Martin, and that if he were to find the Blue Fairy like in the story of Pinocchio, she could make him real.He met Johnson-Johnson(Brendan Gleeson),and taken to a place called 'Flesh Fair' where are destroyed for the amusement of anti-mecha fanatics.David is brought into the ring along with Gigolo Joe(Jude Law).They escaped end their journey takes them to a place where knowledgeable  computer representation of Einstein,called Dr. Know(Robin Williams), tells them that the Blue Fairy can be found at the end of the world where the lions weep. Joe explains to David that, Dr. Know must mean a place called 'Man-hatten', as many mecha have gone to the end of the world, and never came back.

                Their journey leads them to the flooded New York City,wherein they find the Cybertronics building, of which sit statues of lions,weeping water from their eyes.David enters into a room, where he finds another mecha that looks just like him.However,feeling this duplicate could be planing to take his mother away from him, David destroys it in a jealous rage.It is then that Allen Hobby reveals his presence, telling David that he used Dr. Know to lead him home, telling David that the Blue Fairy is only a myth.David makes his way outside the building, and then jumps off into the water, he suddenly sees something.But before he can move further, a claw  from the Amphibicopter snares him, dragging him out of the water. Above the water,David tells Joe that he saw the Blue Fairy, and that she is down below.However, before Joe can help David, another Amphibicopter appears and magnitize Joe to it.Before he is pulled skyward, Joe activates the Amphibicopter for David to go underwater.David guides the craft to an area based on fairytales, and within a Pinocchio-themed area, finds a statue of the Blue Fairy.However manuevering the craft causes a nearby ferris wheel to collapse, trapping the Amphibicopter near the statue.David is not all concerned, but is elated  that he has finally found the Blue Fairy.He then begins to pray to her, wishing to become a real boy. The narrative then shifts to 2,000 years into the future, in which the world has become blanketed in a new ice age, and humans have all but died out.Roaming the landscape are future mecha, trying to unearth and study the culture and species that created them.An excavation team comes across David and Teddy, frozen in the Amphibicopter.One of the mecha talks to David, concerning his wish to have Monica back to life, he explained that the resurrection of her mother will only last for a day.Even this revelation David still wishes to meet Monica again.The mecha grant him his wish,and the resurrected Monica and David along with Teddy spend an entire day together, doing all sorts of things. When it finally comes time for them to go to sleep. Monica tells David that she loves him.With this knowledge, David himself also goes to sleep content and happy at last.


                        Our love for our parents is one of the most ideal form of love a person or a child must have.Imagine a couple with a robotic child? or a world where mechanical creature dominates.How can a robot love and seek for love--a child's love for his mother, which is supported by this statement "HIS LOVE IS REAL, BUT HE IS NOT"
                         The creation of a robot that can love which resulted to David was a great achievement for those persons who invented him, but when he was brought to a family which are humans, has started out the conflicts of the movie.These brought me a very sad feeling as it shows a tragedic mode.When David aspires to become real,so he could have the love of Monica, made ma realize, how some people took their mothers love for granted.David only shows the great love of a child to his mother, which we all should have too.
                         David's journey just to become a real boy, implies how a person  must strive to maintain the love between us and our mother. I guess the sad reality on the movie was that, he will never be real, no matter how he tried to, but what greatly count's was that, he was able to love and be loved by Monica which was a human, unlike him.