Wednesday, September 22, 2010

PSYCHOLOGY: What does it all about?

 Psychology is an academic and applied discipline that involves the scientific study of human or mental functions and behavior.In these field, a professional practitioner or researcher is called a Psychologist.Psychologist are classified as social or behavioral scientists.Psychologists attempt to understand the role of mental functions in individual and social behavior, while also exploring underlying physiological and neurological processes.

Psychological topics include perception,cognition,attention,emotion,motivation,brain functioning,personality,behavior,and interpersonal relationships. Some, especially depth psychologists, also consider the unconscious mind.Psychologist employ empirical methods to determine causal and correlational relationships between psychosocial variables. In addition, or in opposition, to employing empirical and deductive methods, clinical psychologists sometimes rely upon symbolic interpretation and other inductive techniques.

Psychological knowledge is applied to various spheres of human activity,including the family,education,employment, and the treatment of mental health problems. Psychology includes many diverse sub-fields, such as developmental, sport, health, industrial, and organizational, media, legal, and forensic Psychology.Psychology incorporates research from the social sciences,natural sciences and humanities.

The word Psychology, literally means, "study of the soul".It derives from the Ancient Greek: Psyche, meaning 'BREATH' and Logia 'STUDY'

If Theres a WILL There will Always be a WAY

The story that I am going to reveal is all about my own story, which I assume as inspirational in its very simple sense.We all have our own unique stories that contains inspiring thoughts and events which could nurture the lives of others.

In my 19 years of existence, I could strongly admit that I have been into so many problems and which I consider as a blessing in disguise, because I believe that on every problem, there is always a solution, we all have to view life as full of love and hope, so we could endure and cope up up with the world's challenges. My very inspirational story started when I first enroll in Central Mindanao University, way back two years ago.

I was only 16 when I enrolled as freshman in college, that was the time when, I was still fully supported by my parents, financially and morally as well, but everything has changed when the bread-winner of the family lost his job and it drastically affected the source of income and living of our family. These made them decide to send only one from us in college and then I willingly forsake my studies so my elder sister could pursue her own, until I suggested to come over here in Iligan City,to look for a job so that I could assist my elder sister in every little way that I can, I did not fail and was really able to help her.I have seen and felt the proud feeling of my parents for me, until now that I am studying again here in MSU-IIT ,pursuing BS PSYCHOLOGY in my own expense and perseverance, I work as a band vocalist at night and I am a student during day time, and it is not that easy to be in my shoes, but I believe that it is very typical for those who would like to finish their studies and earning a desired degree, despite of all the possible hindrances that may come

I am honestly proud of what I am now because of what I have experienced. We should all view problems as full of hope so success can easily be achieved, because every challenge is not a a problem nor a failure.

Monday, September 20, 2010

If There's a WILL There Will Always be a WAY

The story that I am going to reveal is all about my own story, which 

The Legend of Pineapple

Once upon a time, there lived a mother and a daughter in far away farm. Her daughter was named '"Minyang", she was a girl of atleast 12 years old, whose always fun of playing outdoor, doing unnecessary things and fixing herself infront  of the mirror and always beautifying herself. Everytime her mother will ask something from her, sahe always find difficulty on looking for them, it seems that she doesn't use her eyes properly or she was just really lazy on looking for those things, she was being asked for.

One day, her mother asked to hand the ladder for her, but then again, she could not find it, so consequently she was scolded by her mother, telling, how she have wished her to have many eyes so she can easily see those things that are asked from her. Minyang ran outside away from their house heading to nowhere and she was not able to come back right away, her mother worried a lot for her , days and weeks have passed, but she did not showed up until one day, her mother had noticed a plant growing in her frontyard and it bear a fruit with a very extraordinary appearance, its surface has an eye-liked structures, which her mother thought of as her daughter, it was Minyang turned into a fruit with many eyes, she named it as Minyang, and as time goes by, it was changed from "Pinyang" into what it is locally called today as "Pinya"

Two Grenades in the Middle of a Sunday Mass

On September 5,2010, I was horrified by the news I receive from my mother saying, that our Parish church in Kalilangan Bukidnon, was being thrown with two grenades in the middle of the solemn eucharist mass.The people immediately begun to panic, and everyone was trying to save their own lives by going out the church, incase the bomb will explode and would probably kill lives of innocent civilians in our town.Casualties were reported and most likely were the old ones, when they were trying to go out.

The chaos was said to be the result of the misunderstanding and a fight between christians and muslims in our place caused by the shooting of one of our muslim brothers by a christian and so the family of that person being killed just wanted to get even with those christians.As far as my knowledge is concern, there were actions made by the LGU and with the help also of the PNP, to settle this case, all we need to pray for is the resolution of this problem.

For me, it will never be right for us to held the law with our hands by having this so called revenges. It is still the law that will take the responsibility of giving the just punishment for this guilty individuals, because if we will stain our hands with the very blood of our enemy, then did not just sinned in the law, but most specially in the Divine Law of GOD.